Thursday, October 31, 2019

MySQL program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MySQL program - Essay Example MySQL is a database administration application. A database is a prearranged compilation of information. It is the subsequent most extensively applied open source RDBMS (relational database management system) (DuBois, 2013). The strategic role of MySQL in a company is to manage their database. The MySQL Database Software denotes a client/server application that comprises of a multi threaded SQL server, which maintains diverse backends, numerous different client applications and libraries, managerial tools, and a broad variety of APIs (application programming interfaces) (DuBois, 2013). A relational database keeps data in different tables instead of putting the entire data in one huge storeroom. The database frameworks are prearranged into material files optimized for pace. MySQL role in the company is to assist in retrieving and accessing relevant data from the database. The fact that there is optimization in retrieval and management of the data in the organization due to MySQL, the company can optimize their operations since time to serve customers is extensively reduced by the software. The key to an excellent database is the first procedure for classifying and comprehending the commerce drivers involve. This is to assess why the software is required and what it is needed to perform.  Other assessments include: the kind of the databases information, how data will be input and retrieved, kind of data to be stored, and the interrelations of information or data stored. Another main aspect is the design technology, or structured strategy, to assist separate the data that is need. To enhance this it is essential to agree in advance, construct, then advanced and triad until it is accurate.    MySQL adequately satisfies the requirements of the business since it optimizes time of data retrieval and provides the above requirements. MySQL is a quick, user-friendly being

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

USB Banks Take $2 Million Hit, a Detrimental Impact Essay

USB Banks Take $2 Million Hit, a Detrimental Impact - Essay Example Since the Swiss and European banks operate in a different way, this new scenario poses new challenges for implementing controls. The economy in the past years has been weak to say the least. Banks have been defaulting in loans as creditors have failed to pay their loans. These trickled effects have been a domino effect internationally. When one bank is hit by a fraud, it has a dynamic impact throughout the banks in the international front. One of the major banks that recently was charged for dealing with unauthorized revenue was UBS. The bank already was mounted with numerous amounts of risks and troubles prior to this massive problem. The Wall Street Journal reports that UBS was charged $2 billion for conducting unauthorized trades. The news pretty much shocked the financial market as the UBS AG accumulated a hefty $2 billion in losses. The crisis slammed shares of UBS, which on Thursday fell nearly 11% in Swiss trading and 10% in New York Stock Exchange trading. The British Police arrested a man for committing fraud and playing with equities. The news that UBS lost $2 million took a big detrimental hit as the losses crippled the European economy. The Europeans have become increasingly uneasy about withdrawing equity from Euro Zone banks. The convicted felon was a man known as Kweku Adoboli, a London-based trader who worked in the exchange desk. The British police confirmed that they arrested an individual who was committing fraud but have not charged him yet. According to officials, Mr. Adoboli was certified to work in the securities business since March 2006. Mr. Adoboli’s past experience in trading enabled him to conduct this fraud in a very passive manner. The felon was under a different alias in the popular job site called LinkedIn. Authorities are still not aware whether he still works for that bank. The bank officials made the discovery late when the London police informed the administration. Around 3.30 at night, the police confirmed their arrest of the felon. However, some parts of the how Mr. Adoboli conducted this scheme seem vague to officials. The officials were also unable to determine the casualties since UBS operates in major countries including United Kingdom. In midst of all these things, UBS discovered the hefty losses that they incurred. The UBS bank is still working hard to assure that all the positions are closed. In addition, the bank took a deep hit as their reported revenue fell from $8.2 billion to a $2.7 billion loss. The new shock undoubtedly raised the p roblem of the internal management control that were lacking in the band. Additionally, the unawareness the managers possessed was shocking. The management internal controls lacked the adequate understanding of mitigating the risks as this felon was free to conduct trades at his own will. Clearly, the bank’s risk-management system had flaws since it had to write down $50 billion in securities exchange. Collins Stewart, a key analysis of financial markets depicts the demise of this situation as he states, â€Å""A loss of this magnitude will very likely have occurred in the [fixed-income, currencies and commodities] division, the very division UBS has been systematically rebuilding after shrinking it by 40% during the credit crisis.† Undoubtedly, this will trouble the foreign markets. In addition, it might hurt the currency exchange as the Euro rate will dip down. It will also cause collateral damage as other banks might default in their loans. This

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Evolution of Investment Banking

Evolution of Investment Banking INTRODUCTION At a very macro level, ‘Investment Banking as term suggests, is concerned with the primary function of assisting the capital market in its function of capital intermediation, i.e., the movement of financial resources from those who have them (the Investors), to those who need to make use of them for generating GDP (the Issuers). Banking and financial institution on the one hand and the capital market on the other are the two broad platforms of institutional that investment for capital flows in economy. Therefore, it could be inferred that investment banks are those institutions that are counterparts of banks in the capital markets in the function of intermediation in the resource allocation. Nevertheless, it would be unfair to conclude so, as that would confine investment banking to very narrow sphere of its activities in the modern world of high finance. Over the decades, backed by evolution and also fuelled by recent technologies developments, an investment banking has transf ormed repeatedly to suit the needs of the finance community and thus become one of the most vibrant and exciting segment of financial services. Investment bankers have always enjoyed celebrity status, but at times, they have paid the price for the price for excessive flamboyance as well. To continue from the above words of John F. Marshall and M.E. Eills, ‘investment banking is what investment banks do . This definition can be explained in the context of how investment banks have evolved in their functionality and how history and regulatory intervention have shaped such an evolution. Much of investment banking in its present form, thus owes its origins to the financial markets in USA, due o which, American investment banks have banks have been leaders in the American and Euro markets as well. Therefore, the term ‘investment banking can arguably be said to be of American origin. Their counterparts in UK were termed as ‘merchants banks since they had confined themselves to capital market intermediation until the US investments banks entered the UK and European markets and extended the scope of such businesses. Investment banks help companies and governments and their agencies to raise money by issuing and selling acquisitions and other types of financial transactions. Investment banks also act as intermediaries in trading for clients. Investment banks differ from stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. However some firms operate as both brokerages and investment banks; this includes some of the best known financial services firms in the world. More commonly used today to characterize what was traditionally termed† investment banking† is â€Å"sells side. This is trading securities for cash or securities (i.e., facilitating transactions, market-making), or the promotion of securities (i.e. underwriting,research, etc.). The buy side constitutes the hedge funds, and the investing public who consume the products and services of the sell-side in order to maximize their return on investment. Many firms have both buy and sell side components. Definition An individual or institution, which acts as an underwriter or agent for corporations and municipalities issuing securities. Most also maintain broker/dealer operations, maintain markets for previously issued securities, and offer advisory services to investors. Investment banks also have a large role in facilitating mergers and acquisitions, private equity placements and corporate restructuring. Unlike traditional banks, investment banks do not accept deposits from and provide loans to individuals. Also called investment banker. Who needs an Investment Bank? Any firm contemplating a significant transaction can benefit from the advice of an investment bank. Although large corporations often have sophisticated finance and corporate development departments provide objectivity, a valuable contact network, allows for efficient use of client personnel, and is vitally interested in seeing the transaction close. Most small to medium sized companies do not have a large in-house staff, and in a financial transaction may be at a disadvantage versus larger competitors. A quality investment banking firm can provide the services required to initiate and execute a major transaction, thereby empowering small to medium sized companies with financial and transaction experience without the addition of permanent overhead, an investment bank provides objectivity, a valuable contact network, allows for efficient use of client personnel, and is vitally interested in seeing the transaction close. Most small to medium sized companies do not have a large in-house staff, and in a financial transaction may be at a disadvantage versus larger competitors. A quality investment-banking firm can provide the services The main activities and units The primary function of an investment bank is buying and selling products both on behalf of the banks clients and also for the bank itself. Banks undertake risk through proprietary trading, done by a special set of traders who do not interface with clients and through Principal Risk, risk undertaken by a trader after he or she buys or sells a product to a client and does not hedge his or her total exposure. Banks seek to maximize profitability for a given amount of risk on their balance sheet An investment bank is split into the so-called Front Office Middle Office and Back Office. The individual activities are described below: Front Office Investment Banking is the traditional aspect of investment banks which involves helping customers raise Corporate Finance (often pronounced corpfin). mutual funds) . Research and Structuring. Sales desks then communicate their clients orders to the appropriate trading desks, which can price and execute trades, or structure new products that fit a specific need. Research is the division which reviews companies and writes reports about their prospects, often with buy or sell ratings. While the research division generates no revenue, its resources are used to assist traders in trading, the sales force in suggesting ideas to customers, and investment bankers by covering their clients. In recent years the relationship between investment banking and research has become highly regulated, reducing its importance to the investment bank. Structuring has been a relatively recent division as derivatives have come into play, with highly technical and numerate employees working on creating complex structured products which typically offer much greater margins and returns than underlying cash securities. Middle Office * operational risk and the assurance Middle Offices provide now include measures to address this risk. When this assurance is not in place, market and credit risk analysis can be unreliable and open to deliberate manipulation. Back Office Operations involve data-checking trades that have been conducted, ensuring that they are not erroneous, and transacting the required transfers. While it provides the greatest job security of the divisions within an investment bank, it is a critical part of the bank that involves managing the financial information of the bank and ensures efficient capital markets through the financial reporting function. The staff in these areas are often highly qualified and need to understand in depth the deals and transactions that occur across all the divisions of the bank. New products Investment banking is one of the most global industries and is hence continuously challenged to respond to new developments and innovation in the global financial markets. Throughout the history of investment banking, many have theorized that all investment banking products and services would be copyrighted, they are very often copied quickly by competing banks, pushing down trading margins. For example, OTC contract has to be uniquely structured and could involve complex pay-off and risk profiles. Listed option contracts are traded through major exchanges, such as the CBOE, and are almost as commoditized as general equity securities. In addition, while many products have been commoditized, an increasing amount of profit within investment banks has come from proprietary trading, where size creates a positive network benefit (since the more trades an investment bank does, the more it knows about the market flow, allowing it to theoretically make better trades and pass on better guidance to clients). Potential conflicts of interest may arise between different parts of a bank, creating the potential for financial movements that could be market manipulation. Authorities that regulate investment banking (the Chinese wall which prohibits communication between investment banking on one side and research and equities on the other. Some of the conflicts of interest that can be found in investment banking are listed here: Historically, equity research firms were founded and owned by investment banks. One common practice is for equity analysts to initiate coverage on a company in order to develop relationships that lead to highly profitable investment banking business. In the 1990s, many equity researchers allegedly traded positive stock ratings directly for investment banking business. On the flip side of the coin: companies would threaten to divert investment banking business to competitors unless their stock was rated favorably. Politicians acted to pass laws to criminalize such acts. Increased pressure from regulators and a series of lawsuits, settlements, and prosecutions curbed this business to a large extent following the 2001 stock market tumble Many investment banks also own retail brokerages. Also during the 1990s, some retail brokerages sold consumers securities which did not meet their stated risk profile. This behavior may have led to investment banking business or even sales of surplus shares during a public offering to keep public perception of the stock favorable. Since investment banks engage heavily in trading for their own account, there is always the temptation or possibility that they might engage in some form of front running. Types of investment banks underwrite (guarantee the sale of) stock and bond issues, trade for their own accounts, make markets, and advise corporations on capital markets activities such as mergers and acquisitions Merchant banks were traditionally banks which engaged in trade financing. The modern definition, however, refers to banks which provide capital to firms in the form of shares rather than loans. Unlike Venture ca pital firms, they tend not to invest in new companies. Investment banks provide four primary types of services: Raising capital, advising in mergers and acquisitions, executing securities sales and trading, and performing general advisory services. Most of the major Wall Street firms are active in each of these categories. Smaller investment banks may specialize in two or three of these categories. Raising Capital An investment bank can assist a firm in raising funds to achieve a variety of objectives, such as to acquire another company, reduce its debt load, expand existing operations, or for specific project financing. Capital can include some combination of debt, common equity, preferred equity, and hybrid securities such as convertible debt or debt with warrants. Although many people associate raising capital with public stock offerings, a great deal of capital is actually raised through private placements with institutions, specialized investment funds, and private individuals. The investment bank will work with the client to structure the transaction to meet specific objectives while being attractive to investors. Mergers and Acquisitions Investment banks often represent firms in mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures. Example projects include the acquisition of a specific firm, the sale of a company or a subsidiary of the company, and assistance in identifying, structuring, and executing a merger or joint venture. In each case, the investment bank should provide a thorough analysis of the entity bought or sold, as well as a valuation range and recommended structure. Sales and Trading These services are primarily relevant only to publicly traded firms, or firms, which plan to go public in the near future. Specific functions include making a market in a stock, placing new offerings, and publishing research reports. General Advisory Services: Advisory services include assignments such as strategic planning, business valuations, assisting in financial restructurings, and providing an opinion as to the fairness of a proposed transaction. Terms Related To Investment Bank Buying and Selling Buying Deciding on the proper time to purchase a security that you would like to add to your holdings can be a daunting task. If the price drops immediately after you buy, it may seem as if you missed out on a better buying opportunity. If the price jumps right before you make your move, you may feel as if you paid too much. As it turns out, you should not let these small fluctuations influence your decision too much. As long as the fundamentals that led you to decide on the purchase have not changed, a few points in either direction should not have a large impact on the long-term value of your investment. Similarly, the fact that an investment has been increasing in value of late is not a sufficient reason for you to purchase it. Momentum can be very fickle, and recent movement is not necessarily an indicator of future movement. Therefore, buying decisions should be based on sound and thorough research geared toward discerning the future value of a security relative to its current price. This analysis will probably not touch upon price movement in the very recent past. As you learn more about investing youll get better at deciding when to buy, but most experts recommend that beginners avoid trying to time the market, and just get in as soon as they can and stay in for the long haul. The proper time to buy a security is quite simply when it is available for less than its actual value. These undervalued securities are actually not as rare as they sound. However, the problem is simply that they are never sure bets. The value of a security includes estimates of the future performance of factors underlying the value of the security. For stocks, these factors include things like earnings growth and market share. Changes can be predicted to a degree, but they are subject to fluctuation due to forces both within and beyond the control of the company. The overall economic climate, changes in the industry or even bad decisions by management can all cause a security poised to ascend in value to become an under performer. Therefore, it is essential to practice your analysis before putting your money into action. Make some mock purchases based on your personal analysis technique and track the results. Not all of your decisions will lead to the results you were expecting, but if most of your choices turn out to be good and there are mitigating factors that you can learn from to explain your missteps, then you may be ready to put your analysis technique and investing strategy into action. At this point, the need to continuously monitor your investments does not disappear. Both under performers and overachievers should be studied carefully to fine-tune your strategy. You should also regularly look at your securities to make sure that the fundamentals for success that led you to buy in the first place are intact. If not, you may need to prepare to cash in and start looking for the next opportunity. One way to avoid the hassles of deciding when to buy altogether is to practice dollar-cost averaging. This strategy advocates investing a fixed dollar amount at regular intervals. The price when you first invest is relatively unimportant (as long as the fundamentals are sound) because you will be purchasing shares at a different price each time you buy. The success of your investment then lies not with short-term fluctuations, but with the long-term movement of the value of the security. Selling: There comes a time when investments must be liquidated and converted back into cash. In a perfect world, selling would only be necessary when investment goals have been reached or time horizons have expired, but, in reality, decisions about selling can be much more difficult. For one thing, it can be just as hard to decide when to sell as it can be to decide when to buy. No one wishes to miss out on gains by selling too soon, but, at the same time, no one wishes to watch an investment peak in value and then begin to decline. Investors often seek to sell investments that have dropped in value in the short-term. However, if conditions have not changed significantly, drops in price may actually represent an opportunity to buy at a better price. If the initial research, which led to the purchase, was sound, a temporary decline does not preclude the success that was originally predicted. Of course, things change, and if the security no longer meets the criteria that led to its purchase, selling may in fact be the best option. Selling may also become necessary if investment goals change over time. You may need to reduce the amount of risk in your portfolio or you may have the opportunity to seek out greater returns. Additionally, a security may have increased in value to the point that it is overvalued. This creates an excellent opportunity to cash in and seek out new undervalued investments. Often you will need to make this type of sale in the course of rebalancing a portfolio necessitated by gains and losses in different areas. Selling can be especially difficult when an under performing stock must be dumped. Some investors let their emotions dictate their actions and hold on to stocks that have fallen in value rather than to sell, thinking that selling at a loss is like admitting that they made a mistake. However, realizing the loss and moving on to better investments is often preferable to continuing to hold onto a loser in the hopes that it will somehow rebound. When considering any sale, you must factor in the costs of the sale itself. Fees and taxes will eat into profits, so they must be subtracted from any increases in value to understand the true impact of the transaction. Capital gains taxes are higher for gains on investments held less than one year, so its often wise to invest for the long term rather than to buy and sell quickly. On the other hand, it can be dangerous to hold an investment longer than you want to, simply to reduce the tax burden. It is essential to remember that just because an investment increases in value after it has been sold does not necessarily mean that it was sold prematurely. Managing risk and diversification are often more important than capitalizing on short-term gains in a particular security. Keeping in mind the initial goals for the investment and adjusting them to fit your present goals will allow you to make smarter decisions about selling. Principles of Investing 1. Start Investing Now We say this not just to discourage procrastination, but because an early start can make all the difference. In general, every six years you wait doubles the required monthly savings to reach the same level of retirement income. Another motivational statistic: If you contributed some amount each month for the next nine years, and then nothing afterwards, or if you contributed nothing for the first nine years, then contributed the same amount each month for the next 41 years, you would have about the same amount. Compounding is a beautiful thing. 2. Know Yourself The right course of action depends on your current situation, your future goals, and your personality. If you dont take a close look at these, and make them explicit, you might be headed in the wrong direction. Current Situation: How healthy are you, financially? Whats your net worth right now? Whats your monthly income? What are your expenses (and where could they be reduced)? How much debt are you carrying? At what rate of interest? How much are you saving? How are you investing it? What are your returns? What are your expenses? Goals: What are your financial goals? How much will you need to achieve them? Are you on the right track? Risk Tolerance: How much risk are you willing and able to accept in pursuit of your objectives? The appropriate level of risk is determined by your personality, age, job security, health, net worth, amount of cash you have to cover emergencies, and the length of your investing horizon. 3. Get Your Financial House In Order Even though investing may be more fun than personal finance, it makes more sense to get started on them in the reverse order. If you dont know where the money goes each month, you shouldnt be thinking about investing yet. Tracking your spending habits is the first step toward improving them. If youre carrying debt at a high rate of interest (especially credit card debt), you should unburden yourself before you begin investing. If you dont know how much you save each month and how much youll need to save to reach your goals, theres no way to know what investments are right for you. If youve transitioned from a debt situation to paycheck-to-paycheck situation to a saving some money every month situation, youre ready to begin investing what you save. You should start by amassing enough to cover three to six months of expenses, and keep this money in a very safe investment like a money market account, so youre prepared in the event of an emergency. Once youve saved up this emergency reserve, you can progress to higher risk (and higher return) investments: bonds for money that you expect to need in the next few years, and stocks or stock mutual funds for the rest. Use dollar cost averaging, by investing about the same amount each month. This is always a good idea, but even more so with the dramatic fluctuations in the market in the past 10 years. Dollar cost averaging will make it easier to stomach the inevitable dips. And remember; never invest in anything you dont understand. 4. Develop A Long Term Plan Now that you know your current situation, goals, and personality, you should have a pretty good idea of what your long-term plan should be. It should detail where the money will go: cars, houses, college, and retirement. It should also detail where the money will come from. Hopefully the numbers will be about the same. Dont try to time the market. Get in and stay in. We dont know what direction the next 10% move will be, but we do know what direction the next100% move will be. Review your plan periodically, and whenever your needs or circumstances change. If you are not confident that your plan makes sense, talk to an investment advisor or someone you trust. 5. Buy Stocks Now that youve got a long term view, you can more safely invest in riskier investments, which the market rewards (in general). This requires patience and discipline, but it increases returns. This approach reduces the entire universe of investment vehicles to two choices: stocks and stock mutual funds. In the long run, theyre the winners: In this century, stocks beat bonds 8 out of 9 decades, and theyre well in the lead again. According to Ibbotsons Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation 1995 Yearbook, here are the average annual returns from 1926 to 1994 (before inflation): Stocks: 10.2% (and small company stocks were 12.1%) Intermediate term treasury bonds: 5.1% 30-day T-bills: 3.7% But is it really worth the additional risk just for a few percentage points? The answer is yes. 10% a year for 20 years is 570%, but 7% a year for 20 years is only 280%. Compounding is Gods gift to long-term planners. If you buy outstanding companies, and hold them through the markets gyrations, you will be rewarded. If you arent good at selecting stocks, select some mutual funds. If you arent good at selecting mutual funds, go with an index fund (like the Vanguard SP 500). 6. Investigate Before You Invest Always do your homework. The more you know, the better off you are. This requires that you keep learning, and pay attention to events that might affect you. Understand personal finance matters that could affect you (for example, proposed tax changes). Understand how each of your investments fits in with the rest of your portfolio and with your overall strategy. Understand the risks associated with each investment. Gather unbiased, objective information. Get a second opinion, a third opinion, etc. Be cautious when evaluating the advice of anyone with a vested interest. If youre going to invest in stocks, learn as much as you can about the companies youre considering. Understand before you invest. Research, research, Read books. Consider joining an investment club or an organization like the American Association of Individual Investors. Experiment with various strategies before you put your own money on the line. Examine historical data or participate in a stock market simulation. Try a momentum portfolio, a technical analysis portfolio, a bottom fisher portfolio, a dividend portfolio, a price/earnings growth portfolio, an intuition portfolio, a mega trends portfolio, and any others you think of. In the process youll find out which ones work best for you. Learn from your own mistakes, and learn from the mistakes of others. If you dont have time for all this work consider mutual funds, especially index funds. 7. Develop the Right Attitude The following personality traits will help you achieve financial success: Discipline: Develop a plan, and stick with it. As you continue to learn, youll become more confident that youre on the right track. Alter your asset allocation based on changes in your personal situation, not because of some short-term market fluctuation. Confidence: Let your intelligence, not your emotions; make your decisions for you. Understand that you will make mistakes and take losses; even the best investors do. Re-evaluate your strategy from time to time, but dont second-guess it. Patience: Dont let your emotions be ruled by todays performance. In most cases, you shouldnt even be watching the day-to-day performance, unless you like to. Also, dont ever feel like its now or never. Dont be pressured into an investment you dont yet understand or feel comfortable with. The following personality traits will hurt your chances of financial success: Fear: If you are unwilling to take any risk, you will be stuck with investments that barely beat inflation. Greed: As an investment class, get rich quick schemes have the worst returns. If your expectations are unrealistically high, youll go for the big scores, which usually dont work. It is generally a good idea to avoid making financial decisions based on emotional factors. 8. Get Help If You Need It The do-it-yourself approach isnt for everyone. If you try it and its not working, or youre afraid to try it at all, or you just dont have the time or desire, theres nothing wrong with seeking professional assistance. If you want others to handle your financial affairs for you, you will nevertheless want to remain involved to some degree, to make sure your money is being spent wisely. Initial Public Offerings Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) are the first time a company sells its stock to the public. Sometimes IPOs are associated with huge first-day gains; other times, when the market is cold, they flop. Its often difficult for an individual investor to realize the huge gains, since in most cases only institutional investors have access to the stock at the offering price. By the time the general public can trade the stock, most of its first-day gains have already been made. However, a savvy and informed investor should still watch the IPO market, because this is the first opportunity to buy these stocks. Reasons for an IPO When a privately held corporation needs to raise additional capital, it can either take on debt or sell partial ownership. If the corporation chooses to sell ownership to the public, it engages in an IPO. Corporations choose to go public instead of issuing debt securities for several reasons. The most common reason is that capital raised through an IPO does not have to be repaid, whereas debt securities such as bonds must be repaid with interest. Despite this apparent benefit, there are also many drawbacks to an IPO. A large drawback to going public is that the current owners of the privately held corporation lose a part of their ownership. Corporations weigh the costs and benefits of an IPO carefully before performing an IPO. Going Public If a corporation decides that it is going to perform an IPO, it will first hire an investment bank to facilitate the sale of its shares to the public. This process is commonly called underwriting; the banks role as the underwriter varies according to the method of underwriting agreed upon, but its primary function remains the same. In accordance with the Securities Act of 1933, the corporation will file a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The registration statement must fully disclose all material information to the SEC, including a description of the corporation, detailed financial statements, biographical information on insiders, and the number of shares owned by each insider. After filing, the corporation must wait for the SEC to investigate the registration statement and approve of the full disclosure. During this period while the SEC investigates the corporations filings, the underwriter will try to increase demand for the corporations stock. Many investment banks will print tombstone advertisements that offer bare-bones information to prospective investors. The underwriter will also issue a preliminary prospectus, or red herring, to potential investors. These red herrings include much of the information contained in the registration statement, but are incomplete and subject to change. An official summary of the corporation, or prospectus, must be issued either before or along with the actual stock offering. After the SEC approves of the corporations full disclosure, the corporation and the underwriter decide on the price and date of the IPO; the IPO is then conducted on the determined date. IPOs are sometimes postponed or even withdrawn in poor market conditions. Performance The aftermarket performance of an IPO is how the stock price behaves after the day of its offering on the secondary market (such as the NYSE or the NASDAQ). Investors can use this information to judge the likelihood that an IPO in a specific industry or from a specific lead underwriter will perform well in the days (or months) following its offering. The first-day gains of some IPOs have made investors all too aware of the money to be had in IPO investing. Unfortunately, for the small individual investor, realizing those much-publicized gains is nearly impossible. The crux of the problem is that individual investors are just too small to get in on the IPO market before the jump. Those large first-day returns are made over the offering price of the stock, at which only large, institutional investors can buy in. The system is one o

Friday, October 25, 2019

Computer Technology :: Argumentative Technological Computer papers

Computer Technology I. Introduction Over the past few decades, the advances of computer technology have undoubtedly increased the rate of information exchange. Communication across the globe is now done with ease, convenience, and speed. Accessing online bank accounts, instant messaging, online auctions, and communication via electronic email are just few examples of normal transactions that occur today. Although these advances have provided a tremendous positive impact on our society, it has also caused some controversial ethical issues, namely the privacy of personal information. Computers have been used as a tool to invade personal privacy for various purposes such as direct marketing, the sharing and selling of consumer information, and government surveillances. Furthermore, the advent of the Internet as an infrastructure of connected computers has been used to exchange non-public personal information to unknown parties. As a result, privacy concerns have risen as computer technology rapidly becomes pervasive. Beca use of the depth and many facets of the privacy of personal information, this research paper focuses on the privacy of consumer information. II. Current State on the Usage of Consumer Information Consumer information is used for a wide variety of applications. Typical usage of consumer information today include target selling/marketing, sharing databases, and the credit bureau's use of consumer information to gauge personal credit ratings. Businesses may obtain consumer information from various sources such as customer questionnaires, surveys, commercial transactions, web activity, application forms, and many more. Personal consumer information gathered from these examples are then used by businesses to customize marketing efforts, data mine consumer databases to recognize buying patterns, and evaluate credit risks of applicants. A few examples of the kinds of information collection and usage practices are: An automobile dealership's web site offers help to consumers in rebuilding their credit ratings. To take advantage of this offer, consumers are urged to provide their name, address, social security number, and telephone number through the web site's online information form. Consumer information may then be sold or shared to other automobile dealerships to provide specific, targeted offers for the consumer. A mortgage company operates an online pre-qualification service for home loans. The online application form requires that each potential borrower provide his or her name, social security number, home and business telephone numbers, e-mail address, previous address, type of loan sought, current and former employer's name and address, length of employment, income, sources of funds to be applied toward closing, and approximate total in savings.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A List of Famous Short Stories

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. ~ Sir Francis Bacon A LIST OF FAMOUS SHORT STORIES Famous short story writers are Edgar Allan Poe, Guy de Maupassant, Anton Chekov and O Henry. Some of these authors have gained much fame and recognition in the literary world entirely through their brilliant narrative of short stories while some of them like Charles Dickens, P. G.Woodehouse and Rudyard Kipling are highly accomplished in the fields of writing short stories and novels. Short stories are actually more difficult to write as it revolves around a single incident and it has to have the ability of captivating the reader. Because of its length a short story cannot be rambling or dealing with detailed descriptions. Whatever the plot maybe, the elements of a short story are clear and c omprehensive while the ending of most famous short stories are abrupt and dramatic with a twist at the end. Here is a list of famous short stories. Famous Short Stories About LoveHere is a list of famous short stories About love. †¢ Antony and Cleopatra ~ William Shakespeare †¢ About Love ~ Anton Chekov †¢ The Thing's The Play ~ O. Henry †¢ An Imaginative Woman ~ Thomas Hardy †¢ Old Ghosts ~ A. J. McKenna †¢ Return to Paradise ~ Anton Chekov †¢ Blues in the Night ~ Jennifer Jenkinson †¢ The Three Letters ~ Nels Schifano †¢ Gift of the Magi ~ O. Henry †¢ Scarlet Stockings ~ Louisa May Alcott †¢ A Lickpenny Lover ~ O. Henry †¢ Love ~ Anton Chekov †¢ Some Ways of Love ~ Charlotte Mew †¢ The Love Quarrel ~ Agnes Strickland Famous Short Stories for High SchoolHere is a list of world famous short stories that can be read by high school students. †¢ The Purloined Letter ~ Edgar Allen Poe †¢ A Piece of String ~ Guy de Mauppasant †¢ The First Miracle ~ Jeffrey Archer †¢ The Five Orange Pips ~ Arthur Conan Doyle †¢ A Deception ~ Mark Twain †¢ The Gentleman Dressed in Newspaper ~ Agatha Christie †¢ The Minister's Black Veil ~ Nathaneil Hawthorne †¢ The Third and Final Continent ~ Jhumpa Lahiri †¢ The Man Who Would Be King ~ Rudyard Kipling †¢ Providence and the Guitar ~ R. L. Stevenson †¢ An Affair of State ~ Guy de Maupassant †¢ The Girls in Their Summer Dresses ~ Irwin ShawList of Famous Short Stories Here is a list of some of the most loved and famous short stories of all time. †¢ A Matter of Sentiment ~ Saki †¢ The Stolen Bacillus ~ H. G. Wells †¢ The Chinese Statue ~ Jeffrey Archer †¢ The Devil in the Churchyard ~ A. E. Coppard †¢ The Affair of the Pink Pearl ~ Agatha Christie †¢ Twice-Told Tales ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne's †¢ Ward No. 6 ~ Anton Chekhov †¢ Going to Meet the Man ~ James Baldwin †¢ T he Wisdom of Solomon ~ Jeffrey Archer †¢ The Musgrave Ritual Arthur ~ Conan Doyle †¢ Rip van Winkle ~ Washington Irving †¢ The Things They Carried ~ Tim O’Brien Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ~ R. L. Stevenson †¢ The Lottery ~ Shirley Jackson †¢ The Enormous Radio ~ John Cheever †¢ In the Eye of the Beholder ~ Jeffrey Archer†¢ Earth Is Room Enough ~ Isaac Asimov †¢ A Legend of Old Egypt ~ Boleslaw Prus †¢ An Ordinary Soldier of the Queen ~ Graham Joyce †¢ Monday or Tuesday ~ Virginia Woolf †¢ Nobody's Business ~ Jhumpa Lahiri †¢ Everything That Rises Must Converge ~ Flannery O Connor †¢ The Room ~ William Trevor †¢ The Man in the Black Suit ~ Stephen King †¢ The Eleventh Edition ~ Leo E. Litwak †¢ Errand ~ Raymond Carver †¢ Lily ~ Jane Smiley The Coming-Out of Maggie ~ O. Henry †¢ Four and Twenty Blackbirds ~ Agatha Christie †¢ Afterward ~ Edith Wharton †¢ The Ambitiou s Guest ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne †¢ Araby ~ James Joyce †¢ The Tell-Tale Heart ~ Edgar Allan Poe †¢ The Rajah's Emerald ~ Agatha Christie †¢ The Thousand-And-Second Tale of Scheherazade ~ Edgar Allan Poe †¢ Timbuctoo ~ Guy de Maupassant †¢ The End of the Party ~ Graham Greene †¢ The Wreck ~ Guy de Maupassant †¢ The Great Carbuncle ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne †¢ The Theft of the Royal Ruby ~ Agatha Christie †¢ Hunters in the Snow ~ Tobias Wolff †¢ The Best Sauce ~ P. G. Wodehouse The Calash ~ Gogol †¢ Markheim ~ Robert Louis Stevenson †¢ Lamb to the Slaughter ~ Roald Dahl †¢ The Last Leaf ~ O. Henry†¢ The Lottery Ticket ~ Anton Chekhov †¢ The Door in the Wall ~ H. G. Wells †¢ The Baron of Grogzwig ~ Charles Dickens †¢ The Open Window ~ Saki †¢ Rocking-Horse Winner ~ D. H. Lawrence †¢ The Ransom of Red Chief ~ O. Henry †¢ The Dressmaker's Doll ~ Agatha Christie †¢ Rappaccini's Daughter ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne †¢ The Storyteller ~ Saki †¢ Stranger ~ Katherine Mansfield †¢ The Private History of a Campaign That Failed ~ Mark Twain †¢ A Small, Good Thing ~ Raymond Carver A Silver Dish ~ Saul Bellow †¢ The Cask of Amontillado ~ Edgar Allan Poe †¢ A Burlesque Biography ~ Mark Twain †¢ The Boarded Window ~ Ambrose Bierce †¢ The Kugelmass Episode ~ Woody Allen †¢ The Case of the Perfect Maid ~ Agatha Christie †¢ The Girl Who Sang with the Beatles ~ Robert Hemingway †¢ Hall The Ledge ~ Lawrence Sargent †¢ In Sickness as in Health ~ Martha Gellhorn †¢ The Blue-Winged Teal ~ Wallace Stegner †¢ Man and Wife ~ Katie Chase †¢ One Night Stand ~ Jeffrey Archer †¢ Miss Marple Tells a Story ~ Agatha Christie †¢ An Eye for an Eye ~ Jeffrey Archer

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Can One Be Non-Religious but Still Believe in God

Can one be non-religious but still believe in God? â€Å"My grandfather believed that the greatest religion of all was to ensure that we wipe the tears from every eye and bring hope and decency to every life. If performed with utmost humility, he said, this service would grant us the magnanimity to recognize and accept the many ways we are called to see God in humanity. † –Sankara Saranam (Saranam, 2005) One can still believe in God without associating with religion.This is possible when people believe in searching for God through themselves, by choosing to distance themselves from religion because they do not want to be bound by religious ideals, and by staying away from religion due to one’s belief that the name of religion is misused in today’s time with the name of God. People often believe in God by searching for the divine power through their inner selves. God exists within every human heart in the form of the love, compassion, understanding, and oth er positive traits that the human kind is capable of, yet they choose to suppress (Saranam, 2005).Often, one does not realize that regardless of what religion one follows, God is inside each human heart through all the positive qualities and emotions that one possesses. All the emotions that one feels are God given, therefore the search to connect with him can be done through one’s reflection of their life and the choices they have made. God is everywhere, so in order to connect with Him; one can choose to worship his power and existence without involving any religious aspect to their relationship.One may choose to distance themselves from religion because they believe that indulging in it will restrict them from living their life on their own terms. Some people may choose to believe that what religious holy books teach, may tie them down to follow it faithfully. Moreover, if one decides to marry someone out of their religion, they may be accused of not being loyal enough to it. For example, Islam teaches that marrying outside of the religion is permitted only when the social and cultural values of Islam become the dominant values of the society, in which the man and the woman are living in.Therefore, if a Muslim man were to marry a Hindu girl, the girl would have to give up her religion and devote herself to her spouse’s religion. People would rather choose to believe that God accepts the union of every man and woman regardless of their race or color, because love is above all. Some people do not agree with these societal boundaries that are created by the difference of religion and that is why they choose to distance themselves from it. Some people may believe that religion is being misused in today’s time using the name of God.People who are currently having a bad phase in their life may be lured into false promises by priests of their religion that they can solve all their problems in their life and regain happiness if they conduct rel igious prayer ceremonies to â€Å"appease† the Lord. Furthermore, it can be believed that people often fear God and because of this, they believe that priests and vicars are living the right kind of life that is free of sin, a one that God would want them to.So, they become misguided and donate to these priests in hopes that that will be included as a genuine good deed and that God will be happy with them. As L. Ron Hubbard had once said, â€Å"If you want to make a little money, write a book. If you want to make a lot of money, create a religion† (Hubbard, 2012). Religion is supposed to be sacred and considered a logical explanation of how God and the world came to be, although it has been made a mockery of in today’s society.Every year, people donate hundreds of dollars to religious institutions, unaware of where their hard earned money is really going. Therefore, some people choose to not involve themselves with these religious gimmicks and choose to practice their own religion, which is their personal relationship with God. Religion is not the only pathway that leads to the divine mystery we label as God, the Creator of Everything. Due to all the hatred, ignorance, and enmity that religion has caused amongst humans, some people believe to label their religion as just humanity.This religion does not have boundaries and restrictions, instead, it teaches everyone to love and respect one another. One can still believe in God without any involvement of religion. This is possible when people believe in searching for God through themselves, keeping away from religion because they do not want to be tied down by religious ideals, and by refraining from practicing religion due to one’s belief that the name of religion is misused in today’s time using God.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10 Warning Signs That Job Offer Is a Scam

10 Warning Signs That Job Offer Is a Scam Job offer scams are designed to prey on job seekers at their most desperate. And if you happen to be that desperate job seeker, it’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad. So how to tell if a job offer is legitimate? Here are 10 warning signs to keep you on the safe path through the wilderness. 1. â€Å"No Experience Necessary†Even if it’s an entry-level position, some experience is always necessary. Some work experience will always be required, and any job that states otherwise is a con. Not everyone can do every job.2. Crazy MoneyIf it seems to good to be true, it probably is. Above average pay offers, particularly without the proper vetting, can be a major red flag. You want the manager to evaluate you on your merits first, then offer you the big money.3. FeesDon’t ever give anyone your credit card information. Don’t ever give anyone money. Any job that asks you for these things is not for real. You don’t have to shell out for training o r new software or insurance on equipment. You just don’t. Run away instead.4. Instant HireYou’re great, but you’re not that great. If someone is willing to hire you without scouring your resume and having you in for at least one interview, they’re not worth working for.5. Requests for Personal InformationNever give out your credit card, bank details, address, or social security number until you’ve been officially hired and are filling out your IRS forms. Anyone who asks for this information first is scamming you.6. Typos in the ListingOr bad grammar. Incomplete sentences. Anything that looks as though it might have been generated or translated by a computer program, not written by an intelligent human being. If there are glaring flaws in the job description, there are probably glaring flaws with the job.7. After-Hours CallsAnything before 7 a.m. or after 9 p.m. is probably out of line. Even in industries that purport to work 24/7, hiring managers s hould have the decency to call you at a reasonable time. You deserve that respect.8. You Didn’t ApplyThis sounds ridiculous, and wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if jobs just fell out of the sky when we weren’t looking for them? But if you didn’t contact them first, you should be extra wary- just to make sure the company is legit.9. Multiple OpeningsIf you’re scanning job search websites and find multiple jobs at the same company: manager, district manager, sales manager, executive, etc., that’s probably a sign that company is a sham company, or at least a revolving door. They’re most likely trying to scam for as many keywords as they can to target job seekers across a wider range.10. MysteryIf you can’t actually summarize what the company is or does or what your job would actually be based on the job description, then it isn’t a very good job description- and likely not a very good job.Make sure to do your homework. Fiv e minutes of Googling can keep you from making a big mistake. Figure out what you can about the company, get a good sense of the job, and make sure you see a real live human being for an actual interview before making any promises. Trust your instincts, avoid these red flags, and you should be fine.

Monday, October 21, 2019

I Believe In Jesus Christ Religion Essay Essay Example

I Believe In Jesus Christ Religion Essay Essay Example I Believe In Jesus Christ Religion Essay Essay I Believe In Jesus Christ Religion Essay Essay Ervin Drake, Irvin Graham, Jimmy Shirl and Al Stillman wrote this vocal in 1953 and Frankie Laine sang the most popular version of it. Jane Froman commissioned the vocal was commissioned for her early 1950s telecasting show, going the first hit vocal of all time introduced on telecasting. Troubled by the eruption of the Korean War in 1952 so shortly after World War II, Froman invited the four work forces to compose a vocal which would offer hope and religion to the people. Over the old ages the vocal written for Americans became a global success with Frankie Laine singing the most popular version.[ 1 ] Merely as Jane Froman who suffered chronic hurting and wore a leg brace for most of her life after lasting a plane clang in February, 1943 while she was touring ground forces cantonments in war torn Europe, commissioned this vocal to raise the liquors of people fearing the Korean War would go World War III, so did the Christian Church develop popular statements of religion to prolong its members in the face of unorthodoxy. Every, declaration in The Creed was an early Church effort to clear up the Church s beliefs and divinity. ADOPTIONISM Lord and Christ The Man Jesus KENOTICISM Divine Pre-existence Lord and Christ The Man Jesus Docetism The ageless Lord Human visual aspect The Church took many 100s of old ages to develop the beliefs and divinity which you and I take for granted. During the first 400-500 old ages the Church s theologists and those who repudiated them debated and discussed the nature of Jesus Christ: Was He human? Was He divine? Could He be both godly and human at the same clip? The Church besides tussled polemically with non-believers about the crucified Christ. If Jesus was Godhead, how could He endure on the Cross? Would nt He merely travel through the gestures of deceasing without really sing human hurting? The people who said this was the instance, non merely denied Jesus humanity, but besides denied His human birth to Mary, His female parent and denied His human decease and descent into snake pit. Christians had to believe carefully about such issues. They had to be even more careful about how they stated their beliefs: on one manus so they would clearly define God s disclosure and on another manus repulse all incorrect announcements and instructions. SLIDE FOUR To state I believe in God, the Father Almighty, The Maker of Eden and Earth was to aline Christian beliefs and divinity with Judaism from which Christianity had emerged. It was besides to put Christianity apart from Greek and Roman faiths and all other spiritual patterns and announcements by which fans worshipped many Gods. To state I believe in Jesus Christ, His lone Son, our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary was to put Christianity apart from Judaism and, in the 7th century, from Islam. Christians committedness and devotedness to Jesus Christ sets every Christian apart from everyone else in the universe, because Christians commit to and idolize merely God whom you know through Jesus Christ. The name Jesus comes from the Aramaic name Yeshua ( Joshua ) , from Hebrew Yah-shua, intending God saves which was a popular name of the clip.[ 2 ]The name points to Him being an historical individual and non a figment of person s wild imaginativeness. Jesus is frequently called Jesus Christ or Christ with Christ being the English term for the Greek IÂ §I?I?I?I„I?I‚ intending the anointed 1. It is a interlingual rendition of the Hebrew ?zOÂ ©Oâ„ ¢?-OÂ · ( MA?A?iaa ) , normally transliterated into English as Messiah.[ 3 ]Use of this rubric grants Jesus a specific topographic point in History. When you declare that you believe in Jesus Christ your Lord, you are seeing Him in His function in relation to your personal religious demands. Merely through Jesus Christ can you trust to cognize God, so He overcomes your ignorance of God. Merely through Jesus Christ can you trust to be related with God, eliminating your alienation from God. Merely through Jesus Christ can you have the counsel and protection you need to populate as trusters who know God and are reconciled to Him. SLIDE FIVE When John wrote of such things, he called Jesus Christ the Word of God ( John 1.1-4 ) . He assumed that anyone who read his Gospel would hold at least a working cognition of the Old Testament and of Judaism within both of which the Messiah is referred to as the Word. John assumed that his readers would cognize that Jesus, as the Word, was active and powerful in Creation ( Genesis 1 ) , in rescue of God s people ( Isaiah 42.1-9 ; 49.1-7 ; 52.13-53.12 ) and opinion of people s behavior and belief ( Psalm 96.13 ) . SLIDE SIX Remarks such as those John made in the first few poetries of his Gospel ( John 1.1-4 ) underpinned the base the Church took against unorthodoxy. SLIDE SEVEN In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him and without Him non one thing came into being. What has come into being in Him was life and the life was the visible radiation of all people. ( John 1.1-4 NRSV ) When John started his Evangel with these words, he indicated his belief that Jesus was ageless, sharing infinity with God His Father, because In the beginning was the Word: i.e. , Jesus existed before the creative activity of the universe and the human race. John besides gave the Church a theological foundation upon which it could set up declarations such as The Apostles Creed. In the manner human existences step Time, Jesus was in the beginning with God and, because He rose from the dead defeating decease, He has no terminal. Yes! Jesus lived as a adult male within Time for about 33 old ages, but Time did non adhere Him. He was non like God, because He was God really, is God. Where God is, Jesus is. With these words John countered the dissident claim that God the Father and Jesus the Son were two distinguishable entities two distinguishable separate existences. SLIDE EIGHT John besides stated his belief that Jesus participated in the Creation of the universe and Mankind, because nil was made without Him being the Godhead: All things came into being through Him and without Him non one thing came into being ( John 1.3 ; Hebrews 1.10 ) . Besides, What has come into being in Him was life and the life was the visible radiation of all people ( John 1.4 ) . Jesus non merely participated in Creation, but besides in giving life to people. Jesus did non merely make, but besides continues to supply, so that life can travel on and on. SLIDE NINE Decision Although the Church published the first known visual aspect of The Apostles Creed about 710-714AD[ 4 ], Christians of most persuasions have used it repeatedly to confirm their religion and to give them a footing for farther theological thought. In today s western society in which Christianity is progressively marginalised and in which indifference and a deficiency of sympathy towards Christianity is distributing obliges all Christians to act openly as trusters and to declare their beliefs more boldly utilizing The Apostles Creed. You are encouraged to clear up your beliefs for yourself and others and underpin your Christian behavior. I: sermons 2010Christian Year 2010Pentecost 17 Location Raymond Terrace 19-09-2010 Bible John 1.1-18 Hebrews 12.1-4 Beginnings Bettenson, H. Documents of the Christian Church ( OUP ) Oxford 1993 repr. 23-24 Bray, G. Creeds, Councils and Christ ( IVP ) Leicester 1984 98-104, 212-214 Leith, J.H. Creeds of the Churches ( John Knox Press ) Louisville 1982 22-24 Milne, B. The Message of John ( IVP ) 1993 31-50 Packer, J.I. Confirming the Apostles Creed ( Crossway ) Wheaton 2008 24-36 Bibles Nestle-Aland Greek-English New Testament ( Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft ) Stuttgart 1971 26th Edition lt ; RSV-English gt ; lt ; Novum Testamentum Graece gt ; Thomson Chain Reference Bible NIV ( B.B.Kirkbridge A ; Zondervan Company ) New York Vocabulary Perschbacher, W.J. ( ed. , ) The New Analytical Greek Lexicon ( Hendrickson ) Peabody 2006 repr.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

British Wildlife Essay Example for Free

British Wildlife Essay Outline of species along with related anatomy, handling considerations and rehabilitation, release requirements Although the deer’s skeletal system is very similar to a dog or cat’s in terms of its basic structure, although there are some adaptations that they require in order to survive the wild. Deer have long necks which enable them to crane it so they can feed off low lying grass and other vegetation. Stefoff, R. (2007) Deer are prey animals and so they require adaptations that enable them to run fast and this is why they are ‘ugulates’, (hoofed mammals). Ungulates walk on their ‘ungulis’ which is a tough outer plate of a hoof or toenail. When ungulates walk, their feet or digits do not come into contact with the ground but their hooves. Stefoff, R. (2007). This clever evolutionary asset is essential for speed. This is down to the biomechanics of how bodies move- the smaller the area that touches the ground with each stride, the greater the stride is which results in faster movement. Hooves are an extremely strong version of human fingernails strong enough not to break when under immense pressure i.e. when the deer is running. Stefoff, R. (2007).The strength of the hooves comes from the keratin which exists in thick sheets and keratin fibres which run in all directions Stefoff, R. (2007) Deer have a total of four toes on each foot. The middle two toes touch the ground and the outer two are elevated at the back, just above the hoof and are called dewclaws Stefoff, R. (2007). Metapodials in deer are elongated and form the lower part of the deer’s legs. In a deer, the femur and the humerus are short and thick in order to be able to anchor the large mass of muscle needed to propel them forward when running at high speed. Stefoff, R. (2007) Seven glands are located on the body of a deer, scattered from head to toe to assist with communication amongst the herd and is how deer differentiate between one another (interspecies communication) Nickens, E. (2009). Deer scent is made up of scent glands and their urine. Stefoff, R. (2007) Deer use a technique called ‘flehmen’; this is the act of curling back their upper lip and sucking in air. This is used to detect scents from other deer. Stefoff, R. (2007) Antler growth is an interesting area of study which provokes questioning as to why antler growth is delayed until the start of puberty and secondly, mammalian organ regeneration. Antler growth only occurs in male deer and is delayed until the start of puberty at 5 – 7 months old. No other mammal can regenerate an organ. The antlers of a 200-kg adult red deer may weigh as much 30 kg but take only 3 months to grow. Antlers are formed from pedicles; permanent bony horns on the frontal bone of the skull. Periosteal cells (Antlerogenic Periosteum) are collected in the distal parts of the cristae externae of the frontal bones. These are activated by rising androgen levels in the blood. Testosterone binds to specific sites on the AP which leads to trabecular bone being formed beneath the periosteum and a pedicle develops. There are four ossification stages in the formation of antlers in deer starting with ‘Intramembranous ossification’; this is the proliferation of antlerogenic cells and differentiation into osteoblasts. Osteoblasts form trabecular in the cellular periosteum. This then leads to ‘transitional ossification’, this initiates when pedicle reaches 5-10mm in height. Osseocartilaginous tissue is formed by the antlerogenic cells at the apical surface, which have undergone a change in differentiation pathway to form chondrocytes. The third stage is ‘pedicle endochondral ossification’ when chrondrogenesis takes place in the pedicle alone. The final ossification stage is ‘antler endochondral ossification’- antlerogenic cells maintain their chrondrogenic differentiation pathway until the very first antler has fully formed. Shiny velvet skin covering the distal end of the pedicle coincidences with antler formation. Un-branched antlers described as ‘spikers’ elongate as a result of an endochondral process in the distal tip. (Deer antlers: a zoological curiosity or the key to understanding organ regeneration in mammals?) The first antler continues growing until the autumn rutting season where testosterone levels are increased once again. Cessation in longitudinal growth causes this endocrine change. Antler bone becomes fully mineralized and the overlying velvet sheds to reveal bare bone. A single unbranched antler is left attached to the pedicle until it is cast the following spring Deer antlers: a zoological curiosity or the key to understanding organ regeneration in mammals? The safest method of restraining/handling deer is to try to pull head to its flank, cover their head, hold the leg at the front and push the deer down onto the ground. This technique requires mastering so a well-trained person should only be allowed to do this. Deer bones are fragile so need to be cautious. When it comes to releasing deer, a few things need to be kept in mind when choosing a location to release them. Deer need as much woodland cover as possible, especially with a male deer as they are very much territorial creatures. It is preferred to release a deer exactly where it was found. If this is not possible i.e. the deer was found in the middle of a road then it must be released no more than 1km from where it was found. Outline of condition, clinical signs and recommended treatment Roundworm is a condition commonly seen in deer. These are internal parasites that are found in the intestines and soak up nutrients from the animal’s diet which results in the sufferer becoming malnourished and weak because they are not getting the nutrients they require. The clinical signs of a deer with worms are very hard to detect because they are prey animals and must not show signs of weakness otherwise it would make them a target for predators. Often they won’t show any signs until they are close to death. Should they show signs they would be lethargic, losing weight, scowering (lowering their head) and producing fluid faecal matter. Deer get stressed very easily and it would be unethical to try and capture them for treatment as it would be putting the person capturing the deer at risk as well as the deer as their skeletal systems are very fragile and is liable to shatter. Deer antlers are extremely dangerous because they are strong as well as being full of bacteria; deer use their antlers to fight and they also urinate on their antlers so it could infect a human quite severely. To treat worms in deer, Ivermectin â€Å"spot on† is used and is placed on the back of the deer’s neck. It is applied at 2 week intervals and, once cleared it can then be applied monthly to prevent it recurring. What are the nursing needs of this patient and condition etc Deer, ideally should be nursed in a barn or large enclosure and not kept in a veterinary practice. This is purely because they are dangerous animals and are likely to lash out or charge at humans when they feel provoked. Isolating the deer is ideal to prevent the worms passing onto other animals nearby and to avoid having to treat the others. Deer should not be isolated for too long as they can get stressed and this would not be an ethical thing to do. Discussion of legal and ethical considerations What legislation and ethical considerations are relevant Wildlife and countryside act 1981 Wildlife and natural environment (Scotland) Act 2011 British Wildlife. (2017, Jan 06). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Communication Methods in Warwickshire College Essay

Business Communication Methods in Warwickshire College - Essay Example This discussion highlights that  the college is contacting the students with a more convenient way. It is observed that the students use social media to a large extent to search colleges available to them. College has also taken further approaches by using the social media to interact with them. Exploring further the preferred communication methods between prospective students and admissions counselors is particularly relevant with millennial students, at each stage of the process. Disseminating information to the millennial generation is a one chance opportunity, which admissions counselors can take advantage of when recruiting.This paper outlines that the information is recorded in the database for analyzing and modifying the marketing, financial and human resource approaches. Recorded information is carefully studied to monitor the internal activities going on in the college. The college follows some standard information guidelines and the monitored information can be used to me asure any necessary change. Information is disclosed in a proper manner for confidentiality of personal interest.  Any individual, whether from the College or from the general public, has the right to ask any specific information that the college has and they have a right to receive a copy of that data, irrespective of their relation with the information itself.  College has full authority to deny the disclosure of commercially sensitive or personal information.

Professional Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Professional Development Plan - Essay Example Different determinants have contributed to my improvement of time management skills (Forsyth, 2013). Being in a time controlled facility is one of the motivating factors. Classes are allocated precise time frames where one has to comprehend all that is planned for by the lecturer. Additionally, consultation hours by the lecturers are set during specific sessions when he/she is available. Without a proper timetable, one can easily miss the lecturers appointments leading to deterioration of performances in the subject. The attained skills will also help in both academic and business fields. My undergraduate has been an eye opener providing knowledge on the importance of time management. Firstly, it will help me meet other personal set goals. A suitable timetable will help me make time for all my goals presenting them with appropriate periods to ensure equity. Personally, it will also enhance my self-confidence by reducing time related stresses. Most of these stresses include late presentation of assignments and attendance of classes. It will also provide me with more free time that I can use in research or work. Time management lets an individual to venture in productive activities while learning. It also assists resource control and monitoring. Planning – one has to make a plan that caters for all the activities that need to be accomplished (Forsyth, 2013). It will help me help me identify and separate school work from other activities that may come up during free time. Planning will aid in the setting of personal ambitions that will contribute to my studies. Assessing – it will review how I am currently using my time hence exposes areas that need changes or improvement. Assessing also provides information of the current trends such as school timetables. I have to set my timetable depending on constant schedules. Prioritizing – leads to allocation of time

Job Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Job - Personal Statement Example My academic experience and professional qualifications harnessed my skills and prepared me for the responsibilities that go with the position. I am deeply dedicated to the accomplishment of required endeavors and am committed to being instrumental in creating progress and development to the organization I am connected with. I am enthusiastic to offer my professional services as part of the accounting team of your prestigious institution. Since I am still attending Baltimore City Community College, majoring in accounting, I have been committed to continue a career with your firm. I have taken two business classes and received As. I also have taken three Accounting classes and received no less than Bs. In these classes I became skillful and adept in using Microsoft office. I am well aware that TSA is consistently in pursuit of people who are ambitious, competitive, with a strong focus to succeed and a force to work for the betterment of mankind. I would like to continue to be part of your workforce being guided by values of integrity, honest dealing, treating everyone with respect and dignity, striving for mutual advantage, transparency and contributing to human

Thursday, October 17, 2019

South American Audiences Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

South American Audiences - Assignment Example This will enhance maximum realization of the SOP’s benefits. The team also needs to take into consideration differences in organizational culture and employees’ mind set on adhering to the SOPs. To ensure that the implementations of the SOPs are successful, there is a need to ensure that our SOP’s document contains well-thought out and relevant safety and health issues. The Venezuelan firm will be softly persuaded to adopt our OSHA standards by not overselling our case using the persuasion principle of communication. In relation to the communication principle of education and instruction, training and development programs also need to be initiated in a concrete and clear manner so as to train the Venezuelan employees on the importance of adhering to the SOPs. A formal training program will be adopted for the whole organization with close monitoring, supervision and evaluation. Review and validate their existing SOPs for explicit process. They will be checked for relevance to the new process map. This will ensure that the SOPs will shift from organizational silos to one that cut across functions and departments. The other approach is that the section heads will be obliged to the lead in consulting with their juniors and subsequently forward the completed SOP for review by the departmental heads, as well as the office managers. This is vital in creating ownership and increasing uptake (Pharmalink 2). Focusing on key points and good flow, the firm you need to ensure that you create a good rapport with the surrounding community so as to ensure that the Venezuelan firm also adheres to their corporate social responsibility. In that respect, the team members need to develop active listening skills. Listening is considered as major element of getting feedback. Lastly, the team will ensure that while, in Venezuela, they avoid using

COCA-COLA COMPANY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

COCA-COLA COMPANY - Essay Example The corporation has been in operation for 129 years since inception in 1886 (Bodden, 2009, p. 3). Coca-Cola is an American corporation listed on the New York Securities Exchange. The company is headquartered in Atlanta Georgia but operates globally in over 200 countries. Coca- Cola owns or license and market over 500 non-alcoholic beverages. Mostly they deal with sparkling beverages, waters, enhanced waters, juice, ready-to-drink teas and coffees and energy drinks. The company was listed as the fourth in World’s Most Valuable Brands as of May 2015.Coca-Cola’s rivals in the market are mainly Pepsi Co Inc. and Dr. Peppers Snapple Group Inc. Pepsi competes with Coca-Cola on the global market while Dr. Peppers challenges Coca-Cola mainly in the US market. The market location explains why Dr. Peppers Snapple Group Inc. shares rose than the two rivals in February 2015. Unlike Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Dr. Peppers does not suffer major issues associated with foreign currency fluctu ations. Pepsi is also more diversified than Coca-Cola. It also operates in the food industry. Fierce competition continues, and demand carbonated drinks that Coca-Cola relies on decreases. Now Coca-Cola's CEO, Muhtar Kent announced plans to lay off around 1800 employees to reduce cost. However with a market in the global beverage industry of 30% and market capital of 183 US billion dollars, Coca-Cola remains a global giant (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2015 retrieved from

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Social justice for African American women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social justice for African American women - Essay Example ing the black women criminals,appears far easier than creating a health care system that ensures healthy babies for all citizens†. She argued that, there are two main ‘ingredients that powerful white men have poured into establishing social order.The first pertains to â€Å"the dehumanization of Africans on the basis of race,†and â€Å"the control of women’s sexuality and reproduction† (Rhapsodyinbooks, 2008). Before the feminist movement, according to Roberts the black African women had no rights; they were just slaves to the masters. In fact, the worse was they did not own their body--denied of the right to self-preservation. They were so unfortunate that they just like a chattel--a thing that could be sold. In addition, masters (the white men) would pay $400 and get a young female.The poor black woman would be forced to procreate for the masters.After she was used,the master would then sell her and her three kids for an amount of $4000. Roberts add ed that, â€Å"for slave women procreation had a little to do with liberty†... That was the scenario before, but it seems like the ban of importation of slaves during 1808 did not reach its power and influence in today’s time--United States government enslaves, criminalizes and dehumanizes those who do not compliment to the white men and women. 1.3 Injustice and Inequality Social problems in America still haunt the soul of Black women. Dawson (n.d.) stressed that white women were always praised and often tagged with kind words like industrious, intelligent, and responsible. On the contrary, Black women were dubbed as lazy, ignorant, and shiftless. Despite the provisions enclosed in 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), black women were still treated the way they were before. In addition, this act discriminates the poor black women--it limits their time on aid to a lifetime maximum of five years. Further, it strictly requires single mothers to marry. Those who lived far beyond in their segregated homes would suff er to travel miles of distance just to find livelihood for their children (Rhapsodyinbooks, 2008). 1.4 Assessment Justice requires equality and just treatment--no discrimination and violation of rights. Roberts, in her exemplary work detailed the points how black women were treated as if they were not human and did not exist. She argued that the concept of â€Å"liberty† was just about and for the interest and welfare of the whites only; for those who belong to middle class--that â€Å"liberty† is just concerned on the concept of â€Å"abortion.† Towards the end, she also reiterated that many policy proposals were detrimental to the Americans specially the ‘underestimated’ black women. Her argument

COCA-COLA COMPANY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

COCA-COLA COMPANY - Essay Example The corporation has been in operation for 129 years since inception in 1886 (Bodden, 2009, p. 3). Coca-Cola is an American corporation listed on the New York Securities Exchange. The company is headquartered in Atlanta Georgia but operates globally in over 200 countries. Coca- Cola owns or license and market over 500 non-alcoholic beverages. Mostly they deal with sparkling beverages, waters, enhanced waters, juice, ready-to-drink teas and coffees and energy drinks. The company was listed as the fourth in World’s Most Valuable Brands as of May 2015.Coca-Cola’s rivals in the market are mainly Pepsi Co Inc. and Dr. Peppers Snapple Group Inc. Pepsi competes with Coca-Cola on the global market while Dr. Peppers challenges Coca-Cola mainly in the US market. The market location explains why Dr. Peppers Snapple Group Inc. shares rose than the two rivals in February 2015. Unlike Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Dr. Peppers does not suffer major issues associated with foreign currency fluctu ations. Pepsi is also more diversified than Coca-Cola. It also operates in the food industry. Fierce competition continues, and demand carbonated drinks that Coca-Cola relies on decreases. Now Coca-Cola's CEO, Muhtar Kent announced plans to lay off around 1800 employees to reduce cost. However with a market in the global beverage industry of 30% and market capital of 183 US billion dollars, Coca-Cola remains a global giant (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2015 retrieved from

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Turbines Case Essay Example for Free

Turbines Case Essay Definition and historical background Claude Burdin (1788–1873) was the very first person to use the word turbine. The word came from the Latin term turbo/turbines, which means a â€Å"whirling† or a â€Å"vortex.† Burdin used the term to describe the subject matter of an engineering competition being held during that time for a water power source. It would be an oversimplification to describe turbine as a rotating machine that is used to derive power or electricity from the water; a common water wheel may not immediately or necessarily be a turbine, but it definitely is a rotating machine. A more precise definition of a turbine is that it is a machine â€Å"in which the water moves relatively to the surfaces of the machine, as distinguished from machines in which such motion is secondary, as with a cylinder and piston† (Daugherty and Franzini 1965, 213–214). More broadly, to include other types of turbine, it is one of those devices or machines that is being used to channel or convert energy from a stream of fluid (liquid or gas) into mechanical energy which would eventually be used to generate electrical energy, or to support or augment another utility/device. This is done as the stream passes through a system of fixed and moving fanlike blades which causes the latter to rotate. This device (turbine) looks like a large (and sometimes small) wheel with small radiating blades around its rim. The four general classes of turbines are water or hydraulic, wind, steam, and gas turbines. Water or hydraulic, wind, and steam turbines are generally used for the generation of electricity; while the remaining one, gas turbines, is mostly being used in aircrafts (Britannica Concise Encyclopedia 2006). The principal components of simple turbines are the rotor, which in most if not all cases has blades projecting radially from the center to its periphery; the nozzles, where the working jet of fluid is directed and expanded; and blades, where the conversion of kinetic to mechanical energy takes place. Theoretical and operating principles Potential and kinetic energy both exist in a working fluid, which could be compressible or incompressible. Turbines collect this available energy by utilizing any or both of these physical principles: impulse turbines and reaction turbines. Impulse turbines change the direction of flow of a given high velocity fluid jet. The impulse, as a result of this, causes the turbine to spin or rotate, diminishing the kinetic energy of the fluid flow as this is absorbed by the device. In the case of flowing water, it comes available in purely mechanical form (water in nature is one of the most useful and efficient sources of kinetic energy). Scientific calculations show that 1 cubic meter of water can actually produce 9.8 kilojoules of pure mechanical energy for every meter that the volume of water descends. In the same way, a flow of the same volume of water for every second in a fall of 1 meter can provide 9.8 kilowatts, or 13 horsepower. Hydraulic turbines efficiency is estimated at approximately 1, meaning, almost all energy is available or utilized. This kinetic/mechanical energy can be converted to electrical energy with an efficiency of more than 95.0% (Calvert 2004). To get this much power from water, it should be extracted as it is lowered in elevation. The current in a stream, of course, is obvious. This flow comes from the open-channel movement or flow of water as influenced by gravitational forces. Simply put, holding a paddle-wheel in the stream of water will result to the paddle-wheel being rotated and from this outcome, power can be extracted (mechanical energy or electrical energy). This is an example of elementary impulse turbine, a machine acted upon by the impulse or force of moving or flowing water (Calvert 2004). In the case of reaction turbines, torque is developed as a result of fluids pressure or weight. The fluids pressure changes as it goes through the rotor blades of the turbine. There should be a pressure casement so as to contain and maintain the energy of the working fluid as it acts on the turbine stage(s). If there would be no pressure casement, the turbine must be immersed in the fluid flow, such as in the case of wind turbines. It is the casing that directs and contains the working fluid. In the case of water turbines, it maintains the suction which is imparted by the draft tube (Calvert 2004). A simple but very good example for this principle is the lawn sprinkler. In contrast to the impulse turbine, where the pressure change took place in the nozzle, the pressure change in reaction turbines occurs in the runner itself. This happens at the time that the force is exerted, hence, a reaction. Looking at the example of sprinkler, its duty is to spread water coming from it; the resulting energy from the turbine serves to move (rotate) the sprinkler head. Water flows from the center of the sprinkler going radially outward. Water under pressure comes from the center, and then jets of water that can possibly cover the area go out to the ends of the arms of the sprinkler at zero gauge pressure. The significant decrease in pressure takes place in the sprinklers arms. The water is projected at a certain angle to the radius, but it should be noted that the water from a working sprinkler actually moves along a defined radius. The jets of water do not impinge on a runner; but rather, they leave the runner, and this momentum is not converted into force, as opposed to an impulse turbine. The force residing on the runner reacts to the creation of the momentum, hence, the principle itself, reaction turbine (Calvert 2004). In any case, there is no restriction, as far as laws of physics are concerned, for any machine to utilize both principles. Many machines or devices use both of these principles as it is more efficient for the machine to be that way. Different kinds of turbines There are different kinds of turbines used in modern period: the water or hydraulic, steam, gas, and wind turbines. There are other types but these four are the most common and are usually the bases of any other turbines. Hydroelectric power stations utilize water, or hydraulic, turbine to drive their electric generators. Wisconsin, in 1882, witnessed the first of this kind of turbines. The processes taking place in a hydraulic turbine is simple: falling water hits a set of buckets or blades connected to a shaft. This impact will cause the shaft to rotate and move the rotors of the generator. The most common kinds of hydraulic turbine are the Francis turbine, Pelton wheel, and the Kaplan turbine. Two engineers, Sir Charles A. Parsons and Carl G. P. de Laval (of Great Britain and Sweden, respectively), pioneered the building of hydraulic turbines during the late 19th century. Continual developments and improvements of basic machines made hydraulic turbines to be the main power sources utilized to drive most large electric generators (Reynolds 1970). Another kind of turbine is the steam turbine. This is typically consist of conical steel shell that encloses a central shaft wherein a set of bladed disks are placed like washers. These blades are bent and extend outward (radially) from the edge of each disk. Some steam turbines have shafts that are surrounded by a drum wherein the rows of blades are attached. In between each pair of disks, there is a row of stationary vanes that are attached to the steel shell. These extend radially inward. Each set of vanes together with the bladed disk immediately situated/placed beside it constitutes one stage of the steam turbine. Most steam turbines have multistage engines (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia [Online edition], 2007). Steam turbines are used mostly for electricity generation in thermal power plants, (i.e., plants using fuel oil or coal, or nuclear power). Steam turbines were once used to drive mechanical devices such as in the case of ships propellers. However, most such applications now utilize an intermediate electrical step or reduction gears. Gas turbines are now used mostly for aircraft engines. But there are still some gas turbines being used to drive electric generators (i.e., in an electric–gas turbine locomotive) as well as high-speed tools. The essential components of a gas turbine are (a) compressor, (b) combustion chamber, and (c) turbine that somehow resembles that of a steam turbine (refer to the description in the previous paragraph). The compressor is driven by the turbine, and then provides high-pressure air into the combustion chamber. In this chamber, the high-pressure air is mixed with a fuel and then burned. This makes the high-pressure gas(es) drive the turbine, with the same gas(es) expanding until their pressure decreases and reaches atmospheric pressure (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia [Online edition], 2007). The last kind of turbine is the wind turbine, which as the name suggests converts the kinetic energy coming from the wind into mechanical and/or electrical energy. If the resulting mechanical energy is directly used by a nearby or even attached machinery (e.g., pump or grinding stones), the turbine device is usually referred to as a windmill. But if this mechanical energy is used to generate electricity, then, the device is called a wind turbine, wind generator, or wind energy converter (WEC; Reynolds 1970). Wind turbines can be three-bladed, two-bladed, or even one-bladed (counterbalanced). Computer-controlled motors point them to the direction of the winds. Danish turbine manufacturers have utilized the three-bladed turbine type. This type of wind turbine has high tip speeds (even reaching up to 6 times the speed of the wind), low torque ripple, and high efficiency, which contributes to the overall good reliability. This type of turbine is the one that is being commercially used to generate electricity. In many cases, the blades are colored in such a way that it blends with the clouds. The length of these blades usually ranges from 20 to 40 meters (or about 70 to 100 feet) or more, while the height is about 200 to 295 feet. Contemporary wind turbine models rotate at a speed of 16.6 rpm (revolution per minute). As a safety precaution to avoid overspeed damage, most wind turbines are equipped with automatic shutdown features during strong winds (Reynolds 1970; Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 2007). There are other kinds of turbines, albeit fewer and smaller ones, in existence. These are the transonic turbines, contra-rotating turbines, statorless turbines, ceramic turbines, and shroudless turbine. Other uses of turbines Almost all electrical energy being used on Earth is generated with any one of the turbines discussed. Turbines with high efficiency can harness approximately 40% of the produced thermal energy, with the rest of the output exhausted as waste heat. Turbines are being utilized by most jet engines to provide mechanical energy from their fuel and working fluid as do most, if not all, power plants and nuclear ships. Reciprocating piston engines (like those found in aircraft engines) can utilize a turbine to drive an intake-air compressor. This configuration is known as the turbocharger (or turbine supercharger) or more colloquially known as â€Å"turbo.† Most turbines are capable of having very high power density the ratio of power to volume, or power to weight. This is due to their ability to function at extremely high speeds (Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 2007). As of yet, no one has established any limitation for this invention of humankind. And with enough research and development, the present capability of these machines can even yield astonishing achievements. Woks Cited Calvert, J. B. â€Å"Turbines.† Date accessed: November 29, 2007 ( Daugherty, R. L., and J. B. Franzini. Fluid Mechanics. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. Reynolds, J. Windmills and Watermills. New York: Praeger, 1970. Strandh, S. A History of the Machine. New York: AW Publishers, 1979. â€Å"Turbine.† Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2006. Date accessed: November 29, 2007 ( â€Å"Turbine.† The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. 6th ed. Columbia University Press, 2003. Date accessed: November 29, 2007 ( â€Å"Wind turbine.† Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Date accessed: November 29, 2007 (

Monday, October 14, 2019

Building on Porters Value Chain Model for Design Management

Building on Porters Value Chain Model for Design Management Building on porters value chain model (1985), design management creates value at three different levels: management of design activities, integration of design function into all business processes and decisions to the design vision within the company vision and strategy (Sinha, 2002). What is Design? Design is a process of seeking to optimise consumer satisfaction and company profitability through the creative use of major design elements (performance, quality, durability, appearance and cost) in connection with products, environments, information and corporate identity (P Kotler, GA Rath, 1984). It involves a wide range of professions in which products, graphics, services, interiors and architecture all take part. Design is a problem solving, systematic, creative and a coordinating activity (Borja de Mozota, 1998). It is a creative and management process. Design is a process that has four essential characteristics (Walsh et al, 1992). The 4Cs Creativity: the creation of something new Complexity: decisions on large number of parameters and variables Compromise: Balancing multiples and conflicting requirements Choice: making choices between many possible solutions to a problem at all levels Why is Design Important? Design enhances products, communication, environment and corporate identity. Design objective is to create high satisfaction for target customers and profits for the enterprise. It is an important strategic tool in firms unending search for a sustainable competitive advantage. Design seeks to discover and assess structural, organisational, functional, expressive and economic relationships with the task of enhancing global sustainability, environmental protection, giving benefits and freedom to entire human community, supporting cultural diversity despite the globalisation of world. (Borja de Mozota, 2003). Designers play an important role in how companies use information, how product information is documented and communicated (Lawson 1990, vossoughi 1998, French 1994). Design involves finding and identifying problems as much as solving them (Lawson, p.136, 1994). What is Design Management? Peter Gorb, 1990 defines design management as the effective deployment of the design resources available to a company by line managers in order to help the company achieve its objectives. Design management involves managing the creative process within the corporation and managing the company according to design principles. it is about managing the processes of innovation and design. Design management analyzes the diverse elements necessary for the successful integration of design as an essential component of design strategy (Gianfranco Zaccai). Importance of design management pg 68 Creativity is a process which results in a novel work that is accepted as tenable or useful or satisfying by a group at some point in time (Stein 1956). Creativity has been considered as a type of problem solving (Matlin, 2002). Puccio, 1997 illustrated that creativity contributes to effective leadership and discovering new and better ways of solving problems, the effective use of human resources and the rapid growth of competition in the business. Design is regarded as a creative process. The process has five phases, each having a different objective and corresponds to the production of visual outputs. (Borja de Mozota, 2003) These design phases are identical no matter what the design project is. PHASES OBJECTIVE VISUAL OUTPUTS 0. Investigating Idea Brief 1. Research Concept Visual concept 2. Exploration Choice of style Rough of ideas, Sketches, Rough of presentations 3. Development Prototype detail Technical drawings, Functional  model, 3-D mock up for visual  correctness 4. Realization Test Documents of execution,   Prototype 5. Evaluation Production Illustration of the product The design process (Borja de Mozota, 2003) In preliminary phase, the idea is generated and the problem is identified which can be solved by the design. In phase 1, the designer analyzes the positioning of product and discovers the technical and functional parameters of the project. In phase 2, the designer makes rough sketches of different possibilities using all his creative resources for the clients. Selection is made between different solutions which are to be developed in phase 3. In phase 3, the selected solution is formally represented in three dimensions. The model is used for various tests and the final model is then adopted ending the creative process. In phase 4, the designer works on realization of a prototype for the project. This requires the collaboration of different departments. In phase 5, tests are launched in three different directions: technical control, calculation test, and marketing evaluation. FCUK French connection, also known as fcuk, founded in 1972 by Stephen Marks was designed to create fashionable clothing aimed at a broad target market. French Connection offers a fashion-forward clothing range with a quirky spin on design, priding itself on quality and affordable prices. Fcuk represents French Connection United Kingdom, and is the casual French Connection clothing range; it has developed into a brand name which is highly renowned and an acronym that relates to the French Connection logo. The French Connection brand operates in the fashion-orientated high street retail market offering a fashion-forward range of quality products at affordable prices. Customers, typically aged 18-35, appreciate that the brand is at the leading edge of high street fashion and offers quality and style in its products. The design teams are based in London and products are manufactured in specialist facilities in Europe and Asia (, 2009). French Connections operations cover several dist ribution channels, from their own retail outlets, wholesalers in North America, franchises, mail order, to concession stores in a variety of department stores such as Selfridges. French Connection is now one of the most recognisable fashion brands on the high street with a global reach, operating in over 30 countries, with over 1,000 stockists worldwide (, 2009). In February 2001, French Connection paid  £23 million pounds sterling to its US joint venture partner Best of All Clothing who had been operating the 24 French Connection stores before the buyout. Now French Connection holds complete independent ownership. Product/service offering The company design ranges of products for both men and women from underwear to outerwear, casual wear to suits, denim, accessories and childrens wear. French Connection has expanded into new markets at a phenomenal rate and the product range is now hugely diversified. The company began by selling clothing to the mens and womens market, originating as a fashionable clothing range, and has now extended its brand in recent years to include fashion accessories, make-up, toiletries, even condoms and not forgetting more recently alcoholic drinks. Brand licensing plays an important part of the companys strategic plans for expansion with licensing deals revenue. The company has developed into a brand licensing company rather than solely a fashion retailer. The brand had even expanded into radio, with the launch of FCUK FM. The core plan behind the idea is to target 18- to 35 year old to the brand in the future. Fcuk follows a specific pattern to achieve its organisation goals. FCUK advertise d Scent to bed in publications, print ads in magazines that included cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Maxim and FHM whose readerships were primarily consisted of girls in their early and middle teenage years. Fcuk remained convinced that the campaign was right for its target market. Focus remains to produce fashion-forward products to build on the success of the ladies wear ranges (, FY09 presentation). USPs French connections controversial ad campaigns with the fcuk fashion developed the brands bold, and witty attitude that has made customers think; with a desire to be innovative, distinctive and yet be affordable and accessible. Their adverts are not like the usual fashion advertising, they leave it open to interpretation of the customer. Fcuk witnessed a sudden fall in late 1980s, but it became one of the hottest brands in England in late 1990s and early 2000s, thanks to its controversial marketing campaign and subsequent rebranding. FCUK has always adopted out of the way advertising and selling techniques, for example their logo FCUK, or the eye catching visuals on the high streets. Accessories such as hats, sunglasses, backpacks, fragrances and the companys new cosmetics line complement the brands fashion (Plunkett 2009). The fcuk logo works as a unique selling point for the brand and separates it from its competitors. Also the exclusive designs, customer satisfaction and service pr ovided by the employees are the unique selling points of the brand. French connection has become synonymous with style and fashion. It strives to maintain the brand credibility and its uniqueness in the market. Innovation and creativity are the characteristic of the designs and the company blends high quality with exciting ideas as well as affordability. Multi -Channel Strategy Apart from the store network such as mail order and the internet the company uses a number of other lucrative channels. With e-tailing, French Connection realised how important their online business is, where they were adamant to win the rights to In addition to these varied channels deployed, French Connection also grants licenses to retailers worldwide in order to expand their business into new markets. French Connection is aware of the volatility of expanding into new markets. Therefore they are more cautious and get involved with their licensees to follow progress. FCUK and the Market French Connection operates as a multiple specialist fashion retailer, competing against the likes of Zara, HM, Top Shop, Miss Selfridge, Next, River Island and Warehouse. This industry is highly competitive with numerous international brands fighting in the segment. As like all other fashion retailers FCUK has monitored the progress of the Spanish clothing brand Zara. Due to Zaras lean production and efficient logistics, it has taken over a huge share of the market. To compete with them, the design and production teams at FCUK now only commit to less than sixty percent before the launch of the season .The company acknowledges that speed-to-market is crucial in order to give customers what they want, when they want, at the price they want. It sells its products at higher price points than the likes of Zara and HM. However daring its marketing may have been, French Connections clothes were in reality considerably less interesting than those stocked at faster-growing rivals Zara and HM, and the truth finally caught up with the company in 2004. That year, sales began to slow significantly, encouraging the company finally to drop the FCUK slogan from its advertising. That tactic failed to arrest the decline in performance. In May 2009, French Connection announced that like-for-like sales in the UK and Europe rose by 2% during the 3 months ending 16th May, thanks to a strong performance in the women wear sector. Total retail sales in the UK and Europe were up by 8% over the period. French Connection said that women wear had continued to show growth, but that menswear remained difficult ( Read Supply chain report. Conclusion French Connection has set a personality to its brand, which is exciting and original; this is considered to be exceptional with the number of different brands in the high street. The key to their success is a combination of their stylish clothing range, affordable pricing, merchandising, and controversial advertising. As the brand is continuously innovating itself, they aim to create more fashionable clothing ranges by taking the opinion from important people in the fashion industry. The advertising will remain innovative and creative but will focus more on the clothes itself; creating a unique look that is distinctively, French connection. The brand celebrates individual fashion whilst constantly developing products, market and future goals to expand